Religions & The Way to God Controversy
Younus AlGohar responds to book tweeted to him called ‘Ceasefire! Religions and the Way to God Controversy’. He explains to metaphorical and hypothetical understandings about the phrase ‘Way to God’ and why spirituality is essential to reaching God.
Main points:
- Some people rigidly refuse to believe in God and attack those who believe in God. What’s the difference between them and promoters of extremism? The attitude and policy, that of ‘My way or the highway,’ leads one to become a social extremist. Tolerance is the basic element of a free society.
- Currently, religions and the way to God are two different things. Religions don’t direct people to God, rather direct them to believing in God. Only mysticism directs people to God.
- The hypothetical meaning of ‘Way to God’: you are covering a distance between you and God, and finding union with him. You know where he is. The metaphorical meaning of ‘Way to God’: To think about God, become obedient to God, uphold the divine law and live life according to it. In this practice, your character won’t change and you won’t become divine.
- When religions were in their purest form, reaching God was difficult. The results of practising the religion are not seen instantly, but rather on the Day of Judgement when God will summon all the souls to hold them accountable for their deeds in the phenomenal world. In spirituality, one gets the reward instantly in form of God’s nearness and love.
- Lord Ra Riaz says, ‘Neither is God far from you nor is he close to you. He is within you. Explore yourself; he is beyond the veil of You.’ With the help of spirituality, whoever becomes divine and unified with God is better than all others, regardless of their gender or sexuality.
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