Ultramodern Spiritual Sciences
One of the many Divine Signs that are attributed to the Awaited One is the sign of ultramodern technologies. With the help of this technology, the communication gap is almost gone. We have developed an addictive dependency on these technologies, however, these technologies have helped human beings do so many things at a time, which was not possible 20 years ago. This is not a coincidence. I would like to give you a comparative view of the Goharian Philosophy of Divine Love and its relation with ultra-modern technologies. I want to draw your attention towards the title page of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi’s book of divine love which poses a challenge to those who reject spiritual sciences.
It’s so wonderful how we make use of iMessages, emails and Twitter and Facebook. For example, you can attach a video file, audio file or an image with email and wirelessly send it from one device to another, regardless of the distance between two devices – whether one device is in the United States of America and the other device is in Australia (almost 12 000 miles away from each destination). How audio and video are wirelessly transmitted from one device to another is nothing but a miracle, and how this is done is understandable to those who have knowledge of science.
Individuals who understand that images, video and audio files can be transferred wirelessly to any distance cannot deny the fact that God’s voice and image can be transferred from the heart of a spiritual master into the heart of a spiritual disciple wirelessly.
This has never happened before. So many great, grand messengers came into this world. However, this ultramodern technology did not exist.
Everything happens for a reason. The most probable reason I can think of is that this ultramodern technology in the era of the Awaited One is telling us that what you see in the phenomenal world can be verified with divine technologies that exist in the esoteric world.
Since the ultra advanced spiritual knowledge has been laid before us by Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi, we can relate to it because we have similar technology in front of our eyes.
If we did not have this technology, maybe people would have an enormous amount of doubts as to how voice or a moving picture can be transferred from the heart of a spiritual guide into the heart of a spiritual disciple. But since you have a developed a habit of using technology, when the doctrine of ultramodern spiritual sciences is introduced to you, you already have an example. This knowledge was hidden and was not given to any messenger or prophet; therefore they did not need an example in the phenomenal world to which they could relate this knowledge and verify themselves that this is true knowledge.
Television appeared to be one of the most entertaining technologies. In the late 1970’s, there were black and white televisions, still people were very happy; they found a way of killing time and entertaining themselves to get rid of boredom and loneliness. People spent hours sitting on their couches, eating popcorn and watching television. Then came coloured television and then HD picture quality. So science is constantly evolving.
Science and evolution is in a constant process. The progression of this evolution is more like an evolution of discovery.
It is not like it never existed before and the scientists have invented it; rather it is an evolution of discovery. The more you pondered and contemplated on certain things, the more veils were lifted from God; you discovered more.
In a similar way, this knowledge that we present to the world today is not new. It is not a fabrication, invention or any type of innovation. It has always existed in the higher realms. Today, we have been granted this knowledge, which simply means that this knowledge is newly disclosed, not even discovered.
When you go to see somebody and you think it is an important meeting or you are going on a trip, you take pictures with your iPhone; you tap a button on iMessage and send it to anybody anywhere in the world. That was not possible a few years back. You used to carry cameras with a film roll and would wait until it was developed; it would take months or weeks and then you would have those photographs on paper. Now, people are not as prone to printing their photos; they have laptops, iPhones and iPads. Now they have thousands of photos.
People used to be amazed as to how a Hafiz (one who memorises the entire Quran) can have the entire book in their memory. Now, a small chip can contain 64 GB.
When Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi started to explain what the Invocation of the Heart is, people were so oblivious of this knowledge. They would ask the Lord, ‘How can a fleshy heart say the name of God?’ Lord Ra Riaz would say, ‘This tongue is also a fleshy thing. How does this tongue say the name of God?’
Then Lord Ra Riaz returns with more reasoning and knowledge.
Lord Ra Riaz says, ‘This fleshy tongue does not have the ability to speak. In a similar way, this fleshy heart does not have the ability of saying God’s name. This fleshy tongue is able to speak with the help of a corresponding soul which lies in the centre of the chest.’
There are cases whereby the tongue was found to be medically and physically fit, and the doctors were surprised that even with the perfect tongue, some people were not able to speak. Medical science did not have any answer. Lord Ra Riaz, for the first time in human history, gave the answer. The Lord said, ‘This is because the corresponding soul which enables the tongue to speak is diseased.’
Lord Ra Riaz recollects a story whereby He was still in the jungle of Lal Bagh. Somebody was brought to the Lord who was not able to speak. Lord Ra Riaz said that He wanted to enjoy His loneliness and didn’t want to be bothered by people. This is why Lord Ra Riaz never wanted to do anything which would make His presence prominent in that jungle, so the Lord would deliberately keep a low profile. But that day, when that man was brought to Lord Ra Riaz in the jungle of Sehwan, Lord Ra Riaz felt pity for him; Lord Ra Riaz’s sense of bountiful generosity was invited. He blew His blissful breath upon him and, instantly, he was able to speak. No sooner had he started to speak, people were overwhelmed with happiness and were raising slogans; Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi was being glorified and praised.
Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi explains, ‘What I did was nothing to do with his physical tongue. Something was wrong with the corresponding soul. With divine energy, I fixed it and he was able to speak.’
Just 30 years ago, when Lord Ra Riaz was explaining to people that the heart can also say God’s name and speak, people would ask how. They would say, ‘The heart doesn’t have a tongue, how can the heart speak?’ Lord Ra Riaz gave these explanations and established the fact that this physical tongue itself does not have any ability or power of speech, rather it is the corresponding soul which rests in the centre of the chest with the help of which you are able to speak. By the same token, there is a corresponding soul that sits on the fleshy heart.
With spirituality, that soul which sits on the fleshy heart has to be awakened. This particular soul has spiritual functions which you will deprive yourself of if that soul is not awakened. One of the most prominent functions of the soul which sits on the heart is to enable you to communicate with God.
With the help of that soul once it has found its awakening, your heart will work like an iPhone. Make a call or send iMessages to God. You send messages to God and God will reply to you; you will see it on the screen of your heart. That’s the spiritual function.
A majority of people who proclaim to be spiritualists and who advocate spirituality are not aware of spirituality.
This is one of the many spiritual features and functions of the heart. But in order to be able to use these spiritual functions, the soul that sits on the heart has to be awakened. This is the knowledge which was granted to Prophet Adam with the help of which he exceeded all other Adams in eminence.
The poet of the east, Dr Mohammad Iqbal, who is the one of the founders of Pakistan, was a saintly person. He was aware of this knowledge. He said, ‘Awaken your heart! You will not avail any spiritual functions of the heart unless you heart is revived and awakened.’
A dormant soul on the heart will not avail you anything.
The awakening of this soul didn’t use to be easy like it is now. There were high standards, conditions and prerequisites. In addition, there was one more thing: you needed to go through a vigorous austerity of mortification and purification of your Self (Ego). By doing so, you were supposed to make yourself worthy of obtaining the awakening of the soul that controls your heart. Now because this was a tough job, many people were not attracted to this type of knowledge.
For example, somebody comes to me and tells me things like, ‘I have a car that can fly, that will run without petrol, diesel or any power. This car has wings.’ He tells me everything about this car but I can’t see anything like that in the cars that I am familiar with. I will not believe it because there is no such car on the road. All of the sudden, one person says to me, ‘I have this car, but you have to sell everything you have.’ He won’t show the car until I give him everything. This is a difficult thing to do because there is no example. I may conclude that this person is trying to make a complete fool out of me, he wants to take my money and will run away – because I have not heard of such a car. In order to make up my mind, I need to have something in front of me that can convince me that what is being said is true.
In a similar way, [you are told], ‘When you become a spiritual person, you’re standing here offering your prayers here and you will see that you are standing in front of God. You’ll be sleeping in your cosy bed and somebody is going to be repeatedly mentioning God’s name; it would be reaching God’s throne and God will be happy.’ You would say, ‘How can that happen? If I am sleeping, who will do this on my behalf?’ People would say, ‘If this was possible, then are people crazy for going to the mosque five times a day? This is fabrication.’ This happens, when people are not aware of such knowledge.
The knowledge of spirituality became extinct. This knowledge is always projected by saints. There are religious scholars in every day and age, but saints of God are hard to come by.
In the last 400 years. there has not been a true saint of God, that’s why this knowledge became extinct. People don’t practise it, then the next generation comes, nobody talks about it and it becomes extinct.
Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi gave a complete introduction to spirituality.
Oftentimes we used to say, ‘Prior to Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi’s advent in this world, there had been so many prominent fakir, dervish, saints and mystics; but they never said such things.’ We have the Grand Sheikh of Baghdad, Abdul Qadir Jilani, who is a wonderful spiritual master. But when you read hiis works, he doesn’t explain spirituality in details – at least not in the same way or with the same amount of explanation as Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi does. One of the reasons I can think of why the Grand Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani did not go into great detail about spirituality is that he may have had some apprehensions. Had he talked about the knowledge in details, people would not have been able to relate to it, because they did not have any example in front of their eyes.
Lord Ra Riaz’s way of teaching the secret knowledge is like those books for dummies that we have in the USA and England, like ‘Physics for Dummies’. If somebody is a dummy, you need to explain everything in minute details, in the easiest way possible. Some people have the ability to grasp the meaning even if it is not fully explained; they are known to be intellectuals. A book for dummies means it is explained with all the details and nothing is missing, no more reasoning can be done; it is so easy to understand.
Before I met Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi, I read a lot of Sufi book but I couldn’t understand any word.
One of the most discouraging aspect of spirituality before Lord Ra Riaz’s arrival was that if somebody wanted to understand spirituality, there was no book which would explain spirituality to an extent that the reader is able to grasp the meaning of what is being said.
For example, Ghazali-e-Dauran (Imam Ghazali) and Mujadi Alif Sani – the way they explain spirituality is like they are talking to angels, not to us.
In order to understand spirituality by Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi, whether you are schooled or not schooled, you will equally understand it.
There are many who haven’t been to school, but they understood what Lord Ra Riaz said.
There are two factors:
1 – It is mostly contributed to how Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi explains it. His way of explanation makes it easy for even unlettered people to understand.
2 – When the Lord Ra Riaz speaks, with the Lord’s words, divine energy is mixed. His words hit the heart. Like you pour water into a glass or jug, the meaning of the words that the Lord speaks is poured into your heart.
We don’t speak like scholars. One of the most prominent things that our viewers must have noticed is that I, myself cannot read the Quran properly; this is why sometimes I read it with so many mistakes. But I don’t care as long as I understand it and can take spiritual benevolence from the words of God. This tells you that we haven’t even been schooled about the Quran, but even then Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi has poured the true interpretation for the divine word with the power of His divine glance (Nazar) into our hearts. Even ignorant people are now explaining spirituality.
If you are using an iPhone and you know how to send images via iMessage, email, Whatsapp, Viber and so many other applications that you have. Having sent and received audio and video files and images, if you deny spirituality whereby God’s image is transferred from one heart into another heart, you are a lunatic.
God has created this phenomenal world in order to tell you that its inner also exists.
According to a Prophetic Tradition, ‘Whatever you see in Zahir (the exoteric realm), it exists because it preexists in Batin (the esoteric realm).
It is now easy to understand how the saints of God are so powerful and how they become a source of blessing for their fellowmen. They have their souls awakened and divine energy in their eyes and heart.
What happens when their body, soul and heart are completely enlightened, spiritualised, energised with the divine presence? When a bulb is turned on, the light released from the filament emanates from the glass of the bulb. In a similar way, when God’s light sits in someone’s heart, it will emanate from the body of that saint.
This is exactly what God meant when he described Prophet Mohammad’s heart as ’Siraj un Muneera’. Siraj means ‘lantern’ and Muneera means ‘lit up’. In the Quran, God said, ‘Prophet Mohammad’s heart is like a lantern which is lit up with God’s light.’ You wouldn’t understand what Siraj un Muneera means if you didn’t know this spiritual knowledge that Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi has granted.