A Special Easter Message: Hatch Your Spiritual Egg!
Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi gives examples of how the Second Birth in every human’s life can take place.
Lord Ra Riaz said, ‘The example of a human heart is like an egg.’ There are so many things similar between the human heart and the egg of a hen. The human heart, which is symbolised an egg, is called the Terrestrial Egg in English.
Let me give you another explanation of the Terrestrial Egg which every human being has inside his breast. Lord Ra Riaz said, ‘When a spiritual master tells people, “Your heart can say the name of God. Your heart, once it is awakened and enlightened, will be able to communicate with God,” people who are not aware of spirituality often wonder how a human heart which is made of flesh can fly around when] it doesn’t have any wings. They wonder how a fleshy heart will speak and communicate with God [when] it doesn’t have a tongue!’
In a similar way, Lord Ra Riaz said, ‘You can compare these individuals who are not aware of spirituality with somebody who is not aware of the properties of an egg.’ We all know that the egg is hatched by a hen. It erupts and a chick will come out and start chirping. However, if somebody is not aware of the properties of an egg, he will never believe that a chick will come out from inside a tiny egg.
So Lord Ra Riaz gave examples and a very interesting comparative view. The way Lord Ra Riaz compares this hen egg with the Terrestrial Egg which is inside our breast is remarkable.
Lord Ra Riaz explained, ‘This hen egg has three layers upon it, whereas the Terrestrial Egg has 180 000 layers upon it. In order to hatch a chick out of this egg, you need a hen. When the egg is hatched, a chick will come out. In order to hatch the Terrestrial Egg, you need a spiritual guide.’
The egg needs a hen because the hen will provide the required amount of heat to the egg, which will rupture the layers. A Terrestrial Egg needs a spiritual guide because the spiritual guide will provide divine heat (divine light) which will first burn off all the layers upon the heart.
Now comes a very important point. Every now and then, we hear terrible news that a father raped his daughter, an uncle raped his niece, or a stranger raped a five-year-old girl. Every time we hear of such things, we feel pain in our heart. We exclaim, ‘What is going on in this world? People have lost all moral values. They have no respect for daughters or humanity.’
Then, Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi’s teachings seem to have an answer as to why such a horrible thing happens.
Lord Ra Riaz said, ‘Every single human being’s heart is wrapped up with 180 000 layers. 30 000 layers of the 180 000 are vibes of lust. As long as these lust layers are around your heart, you have the potential to rape any woman including your mother, sister or daughter.’
The real you is inside it. When Jesus said that Second Birth is important, Jesus meant this Terrestrial Egg to be hatched. There is dirt [on the heart]: 30 000 layers of lust, 30 000 layers of jealousy, 30 000 layers of false pride and so many others.
Once the heart is free from these layers, and it is awakened and illuminated, such a man is trustworthy in the eyes of God. He can never rape anybody.
Your heart condition plays a very pivotal role in your mindset and thought process. The desires that rise from your stomach and are hatched in your heart play a very important role in your thought process.
How pure you are in your heart will determine how pure your character is.
Somebody asked a Muslim cleric in Saudi Arabia, ‘Is a father likely to have sensual feelings for his daughter?’ The Muslim cleric replied, ‘If the daughter is over nine years of age, a father can have sensual feelings for his daughter.’ This is not Islam. This is, in simple words, a messed up philosophy created by lunatics. This is impossible.
So, once the heart has been set free by the spiritual aid of the spiritual guide, you become a pure human being.
Let’s go back to the comparative views that we were discussing. When the hen provides heat to the egg, all three layers are burnt and a chick will come out from the egg. Lord Ra Riaz said, ‘The first thing that chick will do, having jumped out from the egg, is to make noise.’ Every animal has a specific sound. The chick chirps.
Lord Ra Riaz explained why the chick chirps when nobody teaches it this specific sound. Lord Ra Riaz said, ‘The chick does this because this is in its nature.’
Lord Ra Riaz remarkably goes on to compare this very specific attribute of the chick with the attribute of the heart and what comes out from the heart when it is illuminated and awakened.
Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi said, ‘There is a chick enclosed inside the egg. There is an angel enclosed inside the heart.’
When the heart is awakened, an angel will come out. That will be the spiritual heart. The process of this angel coming out of the heart is known as Second Birth.
The chick came out and nobody taught it to chirp. Without taking any lessons from anybody, the chick involuntarily started to chirp because it was in its nature.
In a similar way, the Lord said, ‘When the angel comes out from the heart, without anybody teaching the angel, it will say God’s name. When that angel says God’s name, it will generate and produce divine energy.’ Now this angel will never stop.
The Second Birth, in simple words, means that now you have a factory of divine light.
I would like to give this message to all our Christian and Catholic brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, children and all others.
On this auspicious occasion of Easter, do not just confine yourself to eating eggs or playing with eggs. Think about this spiritual egg. Come and have it hatched to bring forth the angel which is inside you. That angel will serve between you and Jesus as a spiritual bridge.
That angel will be in communication with Jesus and the Father. With your eyes, you can’t see Jesus. With your tongue, you can’t talk to Jesus. With the ears of your body, you can’t even hear Jesus’s voice.
When this angel is born, this is real you. It is known as an angel because it is made of light, but this angel looks like you, like your body.
This angel in your heart, which is known as the spiritual heart, is responsible not just for transporting your prayers to God, but the sentiments that you have for God to God. This is how God will come to know, ‘This person loves me.’
On Easter, let’s give glad tidings of this divine, spiritual, everlasting message of love to all Christians. This message is for all no matter what they call themselves: Methodists, Protestants, Catholics, Christians or Evangelical Christians, this message is for everybody.
Once this message reaches your heart and your heart has become a spiritual heart and you are connected with God, I swear to God: Christians will not say, ‘I am a Christian.’ Protestants will not say, ‘I am a Protestant,’ anymore. Catholics will not say, ‘I am a Catholic,’ anymore. All will say one phrase: ‘I am a true disciple of Lord Jesus Christ.’
Once you have had this Second Birth (the emergence of the spiritual heart) whenever Jesus returns to this world, a spiritual notification from Jesus will be sent to your spiritual heart so that you can become part of the Rapture. The Rapture will be an occasion when all the disciples of Jesus who have lived and died, and all those who are living on Earth, spiritually will be enjoined with Jesus.
This message is from Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and Lord Jesus Christ.
We have to kindle this heart with the flame of love. Nothing comes by, by itself. You have to obtain it.
Nothing suggests that you are in love with Jesus, for except that your spiritual heart is in contact with Jesus and Jesus is inside your spiritual heart.